OXFORD, Miss- Sirens, lights, a slip n’ slide and four men delievering puppies.
“Well, we were in an unlite courtyard, it was around 10 p m, and we had been drinking,” Sam Jordan said.
After running down and sliding on the slip n’ slide, Sam and his four friends ages varying from twenty two to thirty four, started feeling the pain.
“I broke two ribs, sprained an ankle, and chipped my tooth. One of my buddies got stabbed by a yard stick and another is at risk of losing his foot,” Jordan said.
Besides thrashing their bodies, lighting fireworks was also on the nights agenda.
“The police showed up but we didn’t get tickets and we werent arrested,” Jordan said.
The dog that the couple had whos house they were partying at decided that, late at night would be the best time to have her puppies.
Jordan and his friends helped deliever the puppies.
The night came to a close soon after that happened.
Two weeks after braking his ribs, Jordan went to the doctor and has since then almost healed.
Jordan’s friend is still recovering from the foot injury.
The puppies are happy as could be, and the slip n’ slide lies untouched since the night.
Drinking alcohol and doing anything physical seems to end the same way for most people, sore and in a great deal of pain.