Monday, July 26, 2010


Jared Hadaway


Broadcast news story

Word Count: 269

Make sure to be fully cognizant when trying to leave downtown Memphis, sometimes I-55 is difficult to find.

That was the case for Brit Stack, a print major at the University of Mississippi, who was only trying to make her way up to Merion, Arkansas after she got word that her sister collided with an eighteen-wheeler.

The only object to acquire damage during the collision was that of Samantha’s quarter panel. The collision was caused due to protruding spokes as the semi began to merge into her lane without warning.

Samantha’s location was about twenty minutes passed the bridge on the Westside of Memphis. Britt did not hit a single obstacle or have any altercation on the way there, however once returning she decided to give Samantha a taste of Beal Street despite the prior incident.

As they drove past they got a glimpse of many colorful characters including a girl who had, in mid sentence, thrown up and fell over onto a pylon knocking her unconscious. Once that ended Brit’s sister requested that she was tired and ready to get to her destination proclaiming the drive to be long and tedious from Charleston, Missouri.

The two began heading south following signs to 55, passing Georgia Street, but somehow overlooking one and missing an imperative turn along the way rendering them with minimal option on a one way.

They began to backtrack, crossing their route again, very conscientiously not trying to miss the turn that caused them a ten-minute delay to the highway. Eventually they were able to reach their outlet.

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