Thursday, July 29, 2010

Plans for the Student Union

Jeffrey Johnson

Word Count: 438

Anyone who has been inside the Student Union in recent moths has most likely noticed the curtain concealing the area of the food court where students choose their food. Well there are some major changes coming to the dining process inside the union in the fall.

After an interview with the Food Services Director at Ole Miss, Jonathon Parker, these new additions to the student dining experience were explained.

The first changes students will notice when they walk into the food court in the fall will be the new and different restaurant options available. “Chik-fil-A will be expanded and we will add a Subway,” Parker said. An upcoming junior at Ole Miss, Richard Henley, said, “I cannot wait for that,” when told the news a Subway has made it’s way to the union’s menu.

Another addition that will be called Burger Studio will be a step up from its predecessor, Grill Zone. Burger Studio will obviously offer burgers and brings in a little new technology to the dining experience. When a student orders at Burger Studio, instead of telling an employee behind the counter what they want, they will use touch screen computers to construct the ideal burger. This will speed up the process and hopefully aid the past problems of traffic in the union food court.

The previous pizza place is being replaced also with Topios. Topios is will feature “fresh, organic pizza,” said Parker. This will be a healthy step-up from the pizza place that used to be there.

A new sushi bar will be available as well and Parker assures it, like burgers and pizza, will be an improved version of the earlier offering. Sushi will be fresh and made-to-order. Student Benjamin Van Cleave said, “I enjoyed the old sushi place, so I’m sure I will love the heck out of this too.”

Something else students will notice about the union is the absence of trays. Parker said that this new feature is a “green” change. He pointed out that it will save a large amount of water without having to wash all the trays on a daily basis.

The last noticeable change will be the checkout process. Cashiers will no longer be located in a line at the door, but now they will be more conveniently located near each respective food vendor. This will make checkout much quicker for student and helps keep from crowds and long lines from forming in the food court.

And Parker is already planning ahead in the future. So, if there’s anything missing that you really want to eat, tell Parker soon because “now is the time to recommend.”

insight park: satellite groups/gov. projects

Jared Hadaway


Word Count: 433

The Insight Park caters to a wide variety of fields including information management, remote sensing technologies, health care, defense and security, and will be working in part with the National Center for Physical Acoustics.

The NCPA compiles and condenses research acting as a constituent for certain government agencies as well as private sector groups throughout the world. The Insight Park will make the center an advocate as well as a background for its interests and in turn shall preclude any unnecessary altercation, enabling new business to flourish with all the tools in place.

Currently the NCPA will be working with General Electric as well as several other universities to collaborate in setting up wind-turbine technology across our country and others “in order to meet 20% of our nation’s energy needs by the year 2030,” according to the website. An issue discontinuing progress at this time deals with the consistent mechanical failure of the wind turbine blades. According to the website, “This is believed to be a result structural overloading due to wind gusts.” To prevent this from occurring requires that gusts be determined with enough time to relay 'active blade trim.'

Dr. James Chambers proposes a resolve for this issue stating, “We believe that infrasound as measured on an acoustic array can detect wind gusts and thereby increase the working time of turbines.”

Aside from advancement in energy sources the NCPA is mainly focusing on new composites and acoustics, most notably acoustic noise reduction. Recently a team of academics completed research on the Mach 5 Trisonic Tunnel. During testing the group realized that, “By making use of the active front wall high pressure blowing, it could be concluded that heavy loads in the bay can be significantly curtailed,” said Research Associate Ina Arunchuck, “If however the gap becomes destabilized due to variations in pressure inside the depression, the operation would no longer be viable.”

Each endeavor reflects a satellite project expedited to process further research and aggregate technological advancements in specific areas in which alternate solutions to gradual developing problems and minor glitches are being sought after. Feasible technologies such as different composite materials to make lighter armor for Army vehicles, and enhancements in propulsion systems for aircraft.

Mentioning their economic prediction on the insight park website the NCPA, “Will begin allowing more research, which equals more money to become available for Ole Miss. This could help lessen tuition increases over time. The potential for more commerce in the area, as well as new community members, will show an increase in local sales and property taxes, as well as in retail sales.”

The NCPA will be doing its share of work with local business within the Insight Park to ensure a leg up for these new companies.

Sources: Ina Arunchuck- / Dr. James Chambers- /

Reed Zibilich
Ms.Dedria Jackson
Jour 102
Word count 486
Oxford,Miss- When one is entering the academic arena, they might wonder what career options they may have when they graduate and how to receive the most from their college career. It is a question many graduates from the University of Mississippi will find themselves asking.
"Many students after graduation are able to find employment in various local and federal governmental agencies. There are also several types of jobs available in the private sector. For instance, it is common place for graduates to join think tanks, political action committees, non-profits, and other forms of non-governmental organizations. Additionally, many political science students choose further education by pursuing a graduate, M.B.A., or a law degree". said political science professor and Ph.D. Greg Day. There are numerous areas of study to choose from and many different fields of study for one to go into upon graduation.
The beginning years of study are very important and can often indicate how successful a student will be and how prepared they will be to face the job market. When asked about his first years of study, political science major Bo Tenenat said ,
“ It is always easy to look back and see the mistakes I have made, but the real learning curve is what I have learned from these mistakes. In the beginning, I thought my smarts could just get me through. After partying every night for about two weeks of my freshman year, I figured out that was not the case.” Bo will be attending law school at the University of South Carolina.
It is most important for all students to set high standards for themselves from the very beginning of their college career and to consistanly use good study habits. The qualities that good students possess such as good time management, self descipline, and strong study skills, can prove to become an advantage when they enter the competitive job markets. Each student should set high goals for themselves and raise the bar higher and higher as their academic career continues.
“By raising the standard by which we gage ourself we are constantly challenging the ability in which we can learn. If the bar was never set higher for a high jumper they would never get any farther from the ground. But by raising the bar, they force themselves to do better.”
Said Pierce West, political science TA. West later explained that the more challenging the curriculum, the higher it is held. He explained that a graduate student is a product of his surroundings. If a place constaintly produces highly qualified professionals, it will be held with higher regards than one that is not.
Students can successfully enter the job market after graduation if they attend a college that maintains high standards of learning for their students, decide upon a major that will serve them well, and begin their college career with a strong start.
for video click here
Greg day
Ph.D/political science professor

Bo Tennent
Political science major
Pierce West
Political science TA

Dangers of Drinking

It’s a typical Thursday night and you and your friends are getting ready for a night out. While at the pre-game you take a few shots, and then later at the bar a few more. No big deal, you do this all the time. It’s college right? But what happens after college when you find yourself in the same old routine? Exactly one-third of University of Mississippi students that reported consuming alcohol in the last two weeks also reported “binge drinking” (five or more drinks in a row by men, and four or more for women) at least once in those two weeks, according to National College Health Assessment data sampled from both undergraduate and graduate students between the years of 2007 and 2009.

In programs such as AlcoholEdu, incoming freshman learn about the short-term dangers of dangerous drinking such as headaches and hangovers. They learn about the fact that alcohol impairs your judgment, and you could end up putting yourself in a harmful situation while intoxicated. There are also many long-term effects that students don’t always consider while drinking.

“Anyone that falls in the group of irresponsible drinking can suffer long term effects like cirrhosis of the liver. When you’re liver isn’t functioning properly that could mean death,” Ellen Schafer, assistant director of health promotion, said. For some people, alcohol replaces food, so malnutrition becomes a problem because you’re living on the liquid diet. There is also the problem with being overweight or obese due to the fact that the drinker has taken in more calories than their body needs.

Besides the health risks, there are many other factors alcohol abuse can affect.

“We teach students no to drink or drive because of the long term effects. You may get sued, hurt yourself or someone else, and affect your job opportunities in the future,” Michael Harmon, university capt. of field operations, said. “Was the person hurt? Were they mangled up to where they can’t do physical jobs? Are they in wheel chair where they have to do some type of office work, or will they not be able to do things with their hands or feet?”

“Academic failure, not getting your work done on time, and being the 6th year senior has an effect on our students,” Schafer said. Alcoholism could mean loosing your job because you’re not performing at the level expected of you.

At the University of Mississippi, 94 DUI violators were assigned to the Judicial Drug and Alcohol Education program at the office of health promotion during the 2010 spring semester. These students either began the program during the fall and ended with the spring semester, or began with the spring semester and finished this summer.

If you realize you are struggling with alcoholism, there are steps that can be taken to prevent these long-term effects. Treatment is available at the University Counseling Center for those who need help. Amy Fisher, substance abuse services coordinator, said they offer individual counseling and other groups such as AA that meet on campus.

“We have everything from an early intervention program where the students have gotten into trouble because of alcoholism and realized their drinking is out of hand, to a recovery/support community where support is provided for students who have gone to treatment and are in recovery from addiction,” Fisher said.

Amy Fisher

substance abuse services coordinator


Michael Harmon

captain of field operations


Ellen Schafer

assistant director of health promotion


The Rebel Challenge Course

OXFORD, Miss. - “To provide your group with opportunities to accomplish new and exciting adventures together,” is the mission of the Rebel Challenge Course, according to their reservation request form.

The Rebel Challenge Course is located on the University of Mississippi’s Oxford campus near the intramural fields and is a part of Ole’ Miss Outdoors, also known as the OMOD. According to the OMOD website, the Rebel Challenge Course has been fully operational since February 15, 2009.

“The Rebel Challenge Course is a challenge and development course used for youth groups, corporate groups, class groups, sororities, fraternities, basically any group that wants to come out and work on team building and development skills with their group,” said Casey Armstrong, who works in the OMOD department as a challenge course facilitator.

According to Armstrong, the course has eight high elements, such as the climbing wall and zip-line, and 16 low elements. “The low elements are more used for team building and developing skills and the high elements are used for more challenging and development skills where you just try to accomplish your goal and make it to the top,” Armstrong said.

“The course can be reserved by anybody. To reserve you have to have at least 10 people and there really is no max number,” said Armstrong. As stated in the OMOD pamphlet about the Rebel Challenge Course, the price varies depending on how much time you spend on the course and if you are a student, UM department and non-profit organizations, or a corporate group. There are quarter days, which consist of 2 hours, half days which are 4 hours, and full days, which are 8 hours with a lunch break.

Armstrong stated that many businesses are using the Rebel Challenge course as a company retreat destination. “A lot of groups that come out there don’t really know everyone in their groups and they don’t really know what’s going, so that’s kinda the whole point of the course, to get to know people and to get to trust people, work as a team to get through the low elements and accomplishing your goal,” said Armstrong.

There is no age requirement to participate on the Rebel Challenge Course. “There isn’t an age group but you don’t see anybody younger than about 8 or 10 out there,” Armstrong said. However, he also stated there is a waiver form that everyone has to sign before participating in the course. Persons with previous injuries must make the facilitators aware of their limitations to ensure everyone’s safety.

“I think the Rebel Challenge Course gives students an option to so something outside of their comfort level and it gives students a chance to meet and interact with other students,” said Traci Meredith, the coordinator of intramurals and sports clubs at the University of Mississippi and Rebel Challenge Course facilitator.

When Meredith was asked if she has ever participated in the Rebel Challenge Course, she responded, “I have participated. It’s fun just being with different groups and being out there when you already know how to do the elements and to let them figure it out."

To find out more about the Rebel Challenge Course you can visit the OMOD office located on the bottom floor if the Turner Center or call (662) 915-6735. You can also visit their website.

Casey Armstrong speaks about teamwork on the Rebel Challenge Course.

Some of the different things going on with OMOD.

School of Law give Graduates a Helping Hand

Oxford, Miss.-The University of Mississippi School of Law offers graduates ideas on how to use their degree to its full advantage. The University of Mississippi College of Law Guide to Alternative Careers gives students an alternative to working as a law firm attorney.

According to the University of Mississippi College of Law guide to alternative careers, many law students surprisingly seek careers in fields other than the traditional practice of law. Reasons for doing so are personal and range from a passion for a particular field or desire to have a career with a less rigorous schedule than that of a law firm attorney.

There are however career fields that are available to those with these desires. JD preferred careers are those that are anything outside the traditional practice of law found in law firms, government agencies, public interest organizations or the court system. Careers, such as law librarian, court administrator and law professor all generally require a JD.

Many skills learned in law school are directly transferable to other fields.
These skills include analysis, advocacy, communication, and research. Graduates have an option of entering a completely unrelated field because legal training may still prove useful because they offer bout enhanced analytical skills and a different perspective of examining problems.

The guide offers several examples on non-traditional fields in which JD-related skills are beneficial. Then the guide shows graduates how to market their JD to a non-legal employer.

With the current stance of the economy these strategies could aid law students in finding employment after graduation.

“The guide could prove to be very helpful after graduation,” said Michael Williams, entering law student.

According to the Internet Legal Research Group, employment statistics for 2007 were 59.6 percent employed at graduation and 88.2 percent employed nine months after graduation. The average from 2001 to 2007 employed at graduation was 67.3 percent and 94.7 percent employed nine months after graduation.

The University of Mississippi School of Law Career services does offer year-round assistance to help students secure school year, summer, and permanent employment and to assist graduated who wish to explore career transitions.

Intelligence Studies Training Gives Students a "Competitive Advantage"

The Center for Intelligence and Security Studies at Ole Miss is helping students get ahead in the job field through usage of computer software currently used in the intelligence field.

“We are currently in the process of kind of teaching students how to use different software programs that are used by the intelligence community,” Melissa Graves, project coordinator for CISS, said.

According to Walter Flaschka, network administrator for the center, CISS usually holds one set of sessions per semester for those students in the program. The sessions have three to eight students each. The students do not have to be enrolled in a certain course to get training on the programs.

“Everyone might just be at different levels of their course work,” Flaschka said. “…We’re working on integrating some of this software stuff into a new analytics course and when that happens, everyone will have the same exposure to the software.”

The CISS currently holds contracts for the usage of three different analytical programs. These programs are Palantir, CrimeLink and i2 Analyst’s Notebook. According to a statement from the center, the total costs of the contracts are more than $1 million.

Carl Jensen, director of the Center for Intelligence and Security Studies, explained how the types of software are different.

“Analyst Notebook looks at patterns and shows it in a way that links everything together,” Jensen said. “Palantir does something similar and is newer. But it takes the information and looks at it in a different way. That’s what’s great about computers-they can look at information and link it much more quickly than we can do on our own.”

Flaschka also said that interested faculty and staff are sometimes allowed to learn how the software works. According to Flaschka, most of it must be used in the center but some modified versions of the software are available for the students to use.

The Center for Intelligence and Security Studies also uses their software for an exercise called “Days of Intrigue.”

According to Flaschka, the pretend war game gives new students a multiple day experience in which they use the software they have trained on. The staff at CISS creates a fake emergency which the students must use their skills to analyze. The students then input evidence and data into the software in order to attempt to find a solution to the emergency.

“Each piece of the software is an expert system, and so we only use one at a time,” Flaschka said in reference to the software chosen to use in each drill. “This last time we used Palantir. Next time we might be able to use Analyst Notebook.”

“The knowledge these students get-the knowledge about the software-it’s a real competitive advantage because these software are used all over the intelligence community. That’s one of the reasons we want to get it in front of them,” Flaschka said.

To watch a short video about "Days of Intrigue," click here.

Hush-Hush in Engineering

Students at the University of Mississippi School of Engineering are often given the opportunity to work on government projects, but this government research also requires a veil of secrecy that outsiders cannot penetrate.

The engineering school works with other schools and government agencies on a variety of projects, sometimes partnering with the Army Corp of Engineers or the Department of Homeland Security.

Not all of the projects undertaken by the engineering school are secret.

“We have a faculty member working on theoretical water quality in Sardis Lake,” said Christiane Surbeck, assistant professor of engineering.

But, students involved in the government projects are asked to refrain from talking about their research and details are hard to come by.

According to Annie Chapman, an engineering graduate student at Ole Miss from Jackson, Miss, some projects are not secret for the safety of the public, but to avoid risk of stolen patents, and to prevent other countries from developing the same technology.

Even the reasons for the security are sometimes vague.

“Certain research projects are kept confidential as a matter of safety and security,” Surbeck said.

In the past the school of engineering’s labs have helped to develop materials to prevent large-scale damages and fatalities during possible terrorist attacks.

“This is largely what our research is centered around all the time,” Chapman said.

Chapman and Cole Fowler, a graduate student from Batesville, are currently working on something similar, although neither would give many details.

Chapman is focusing on the environmental aspect, while Fowler says he is involved in studying the strength of several materials for improvement.

According to Chapman, engineers have to anticipate and expect the worst.

“In our world the worst is very often reality.”

For more information on the engineering school, visit their website:

Word Count: 287

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

UPD and OPD Collaborate on Alcohol Policies

OXFORD-The University of Mississippi’s stance on alcohol and drug related crimes could mean trouble for students on and off of campus.

UPD and OPD have been working together to stop the amount of alcohol and drug crimes around Oxford for the past six years. The Office of Judicial Affairs on campus passed a two-strike policy in 2004 that can affect lives of students more than just legally.

“The policy is designed to set minimum sanctions for students and recognized student organizations found in violation of any alcohol or drug related policy,” says Scott Wallace, Assistant Dean of Students for Judicial Affairs.

No matter where you are in Lafayette County, if you get arrested or sited for such an offense, the university will know about it. The repercussions for the first offense place the offender in a required alcohol/drug education program followed with fees and fines, community service, and probation for the remainder of the current semester and the following two semesters (Fall or Spring) enrolled at the University. Probation also extends through any intervening summer terms, inter-sessions, and any institutional breaks.

“Most students get the point after the first offense. There are repeat offenders, but we don’t see many students getting in trouble after the first strike,” explains Lieutenant Bobby Black of UPD.

The second strike acquires much harsher penalties. The first step is suspension from university. The University Judicial Council can decide whether the suspension is to take effect immediately or after completion of the current semester or term. After this is decided, the student is suspended for at least one complete Fall or Spring semester following the suspension’s effective date, including any intervening summer terms or inter-sessions.

Following the suspension, the offender’s grades, tuition, residence hall costs and fees, financial aid, athletics participation and eligibility, health insurance, meal plan, use of university resources and access to university facilities, immigration status for international students, internships, assistantships, and study abroad eligibility can all be affected by probation violation.

The Oxford Police Department, or any other policing force in Lafayette County, may report off-campus conduct to the university. The policy states that, “For students, such offenses include but are not limited to any drug-related crime and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol occurring within Lafayette County.”

“Most of the students who get in trouble with alcohol and drugs are freshmen and sophomores who aren’t used to our policies and regulations just yet,” says Lieutenant Black, “We advise all students to be aware of alcohol and drug safety measures as well as university policy on these issues.”

For more information on these, and other, policies, visit the Office of Judicial Affairs located on the third floor of the Union, visit the Student Health Department, or enroll in the EDLD 101 class that is offered.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Jared Hadaway


Broadcast news story

Word Count: 269

Make sure to be fully cognizant when trying to leave downtown Memphis, sometimes I-55 is difficult to find.

That was the case for Brit Stack, a print major at the University of Mississippi, who was only trying to make her way up to Merion, Arkansas after she got word that her sister collided with an eighteen-wheeler.

The only object to acquire damage during the collision was that of Samantha’s quarter panel. The collision was caused due to protruding spokes as the semi began to merge into her lane without warning.

Samantha’s location was about twenty minutes passed the bridge on the Westside of Memphis. Britt did not hit a single obstacle or have any altercation on the way there, however once returning she decided to give Samantha a taste of Beal Street despite the prior incident.

As they drove past they got a glimpse of many colorful characters including a girl who had, in mid sentence, thrown up and fell over onto a pylon knocking her unconscious. Once that ended Brit’s sister requested that she was tired and ready to get to her destination proclaiming the drive to be long and tedious from Charleston, Missouri.

The two began heading south following signs to 55, passing Georgia Street, but somehow overlooking one and missing an imperative turn along the way rendering them with minimal option on a one way.

They began to backtrack, crossing their route again, very conscientiously not trying to miss the turn that caused them a ten-minute delay to the highway. Eventually they were able to reach their outlet.

Passion Before Pay

Although Tirranny Nettles changed her major from nursing to marketing, she’s not worried about finding a job when she graduates.

“I’m doing something I enjoy,” she says.

Nettles, a two thousand nine graduate from Moss Point, is a sophomore at the University of Mississippi.

Stuck in a major that she admits was boring, Nettles was at first hesitant to change her major.

“I didn’t want to be that indecisive student.”

Two weeks ago, Nettles decided to make the change and is very happy with her decision.

“My new major makes me smile.”

Although nurses are in high demand, Nettles believes she will have many options with a marketing degree from the business school at Ole Miss.

“You can do anything with a marketing communications major.”

Nettles enjoys talking to people, and enjoys the relationships she builds with her fellow students and faculty.

She really likes her journalism one-oh-two class, and the creativity the class cultivates.

“You’re not forced. You can do any aspect of multimedia.”

Nettles plans on graduating with a marketing and communications degree, but is keeping an open mind about a journalism degree.

“I could maybe do a double major.”

Nettles is very happy at Ole Miss, and says she fell in love with the school when she first visited. Now it feels like a new home.

“I went home to Moss Point for three weeks and almost died.”

Nettles says Ole Miss has allowed her to grow up, and with that growth comes a desire to follow her dreams.

“Passion takes over pay.”

For more information about changing your major, visit the Academic Support Center's FAQ:

Tricia Goes Clubbin

This past Sunday in Memphis, Tennessee there was a party full of people who were looking to have a fun-filled night. Famous rapper Gucci Mane hosted the “Summer Jam After Party” at the popular nightclub, Level 2. Many people arrived to fill the club to its capacity. The waiting lines outside the club wrapped around the building and continued down the street for a few blocks. It would have taken numerous long and patient hours to reach the front of the long line;that is unless your name is Tricia Rhynes.

Rhynes did not have to wait a minute to get her partying started. How did she get in so quickly you ask? Three letters: V. I. P. For the price of $60, any female is granted entrance to the club and its V.I.P. section.

Rhynes said she was thrilled to see the famous rapper up close and personal; however, Tricia quickly noticed that the club may have favored the celebrity host, Gucci Mane, because he had the freedom to smoke blunts filled with questionable and unidentified herbs. Apparently, no local security felt the need to handle this situation with the respected musician. Rhynes, who is normally not a big drinker, decided to order a few Tequila Sunrises and enjoy her night as a Very Important person. “I had a good time,” Rhynes said.

When asked how she safely returned home from the party, Rhynes giggled as she put it simply, “I had a reliable friend give me a ride because I was wasted.”

Freefall Freakout

“I thought he was dead,” Reed Zibilich said, talking about his most recent skydive jump with his brother, Tucker, last weekend in Memphis.

Zibilich has been an avid skydiver for years. He and his brother began skydiving when they each turned 18, taking trips with their father and uncle.

“It’s as close to flying as you can get,” said Zibilich as he described his love for the sport. “it’s the most addicting thing to do.”

However, while this is usually an extremely exhilarating sport for Zibilich, it turned into a nightmare within the blink of an eye.

After jumping out of the plane Zibilich looked over to see a parachute spinning violently to the ground. Realizing it was his brother’s chute he began to panic.

“I started looking around everywhere for him,” he said. “I’ve had a malfunction before so I know how to handle them. My brother never has so I was nervous he didn’t know how to react.” After several minutes of horror, Zibilich was close enough to the ground to realize that his brother had safely landed.

“I was so relieved to see him walking around on the ground with his back up chute still attached” Zibilich said.

Zibilich says that in his over 170 jumps, he has only had one malfunction.

“There is a 99 percent chance that the first chute will open he said, adding that the thrill is completely worth the small risk.

To plan a skydiving trip of your own, contact West Tennessee Skydiving at 901-759-3483

Or Visit their website at

Three Dimensional

“It was a really good movie and it made me cry at the end.”

That is what University of Mississippi journalism student Blair Bryant, has to say about the new movie "Despicable Me", now playing in theaters in 3D.

Bryant says, “The 3D viewing experience is better, but the glasses are just annoying.”

Bryant, along with two friends, were present at the 9:30 p.m. showing at the Malco Oxford Studio Cinema on Sunday, located on Jackson Avenue West, in Oxford. "Despicable Me," which is stars Steve Carell as the voice of "Gru," is a computer-animated 3D feature film that runs 95 minutes, according to

According to Bryant, the film is about a super villain named Gru, who was once the top villain in the world, but eventually was replaced. Gru tries to win his spot back by adopting three orphan girls, with whom he falls in love with. The tag line for the movie is from “Super-bad to Super-dad.”

“The movie is so sweet,” Bryant says.

While there she purchased popcorn and a Diet Coke to take into the theater. When asked if the concessions at the Malco Theater were overpriced, she said, “They were average for a movie theater.”

When Bryant was asked if she would recommend this movie to her friends to go and watch, she replies, “Yes, because it was a good movie.”

You can find out more about Despicable Me on the movie’s website or the times that the move is showing here in Oxford by calling Malco’s number (662) 236-4962 or their website.

A sophmore from the University of mississippi had her phone stolen at a Walmart in Greenvile. When Katie Dewitt went to check out, she put her phone down to pay for her items,: the woman behind her picked it up. After paying she was not able to locate her phone and just thought it was in her purse. She and her friends returned to her car and continued home. After an hour or two of calling and searching, she concluded it was lost at Walmart. She even texted the phone ,and said she would give anyone who turned it in $200. She knew the phone was fully charged and someone soon after turned it off.

“I thought I was going crazy, “ she said.

After returning to the walmart, she filed a police report , police said they couldn’t look at the the video until later in the week, so she would have to wait.

“ They called me back two days later and said they had seen anything,”Dewitt said. I realy felt like I was going crazy now. Soon after that, I call: from the police they had taken another look at it and saw that the lady had stolen it behind me.”

The unidentified female paid with cash and could not be located. Dewitt had to use her fathers insurance on his cell phone plan and she had to pay $150 of her own money to have it replaced. Anyone with infromation can call the Greenville Police Department at (662)378 1515.

Ducotes Experience

Hannah Ducote’s family has owned Windermere’s Farm and Land located in Oxford since the 1850s. Her grandmother has owned it since 1920.
She is a senior with a double major in English and journalism. Ducote most enjoys her time with her family and the animals within the farm. As she approaches her graduation in several days, Ducote is not the least worried about receiving her degrees or what to wear as most girls would have done. She is more worried about a foal born on the farm only three months ago.

“He suffers from dementia and a gastrointestinal issue,” she says with sympathy in her eyes. Ducote spends her days administering medicine to the foal. Because he is still nursing, she has to place droplets in his mouth.

Ducote has had tons of experience in dealing with mentally ill animals, just last year on the farm a mare produced a foal in a similar situation. And Ducote became the main caregiver.

“This sometimes can be difficult because I have to hold him down and force it into the back of his throat” she says. Ducote enjoys the farm and her family that lives there with her. She has two younger brothers. She says her life ambition is to one day own a ranch in Montana where she can allow her horses to run free.

For information about how to handle sick farm animals, contact Oxford Lafayette Humane Society.

slip n' slide

OXFORD, Miss- Sirens, lights, a slip n’ slide and four men delievering puppies.

“Well, we were in an unlite courtyard, it was around 10 p m, and we had been drinking,” Sam Jordan said.

After running down and sliding on the slip n’ slide, Sam and his four friends ages varying from twenty two to thirty four, started feeling the pain.

“I broke two ribs, sprained an ankle, and chipped my tooth. One of my buddies got stabbed by a yard stick and another is at risk of losing his foot,” Jordan said.

Besides thrashing their bodies, lighting fireworks was also on the nights agenda.

“The police showed up but we didn’t get tickets and we werent arrested,” Jordan said.

The dog that the couple had whos house they were partying at decided that, late at night would be the best time to have her puppies.

Jordan and his friends helped deliever the puppies.

The night came to a close soon after that happened.

Two weeks after braking his ribs, Jordan went to the doctor and has since then almost healed.

Jordan’s friend is still recovering from the foot injury.

The puppies are happy as could be, and the slip n’ slide lies untouched since the night.

Drinking alcohol and doing anything physical seems to end the same way for most people, sore and in a great deal of pain.